samedi 29 novembre 2014

From Personalities to Communities: Elseve, Le Petit Marseillais, Head & Shoulders

          The three following articles intend to demonstrate that Elseve (L’Oréal), Le Petit Marseillais (Johnson & Johnson), and Head & Shoulders (Procter & Gamble) have different personalities and identities, show various images, tell stories, arouse emotions, and create communities.

To analyze these three shampoo brands in more details, for each of them we will realize a Brand Identity Prism and a Customer-Based Brand Equity Model, also known as the Brand Resonance Pyramid.

The Brand Identity Prism created by Kapferer is based on the six following elements: physical, relationship, reflection (external side), personality, culture, and self-image (internal side).

The Customer-Based Brand Equity Model, or the Brand Resonance Pyramid, developed by Keller is based on the six following characteristics (from the bottom to the top of the pyramid): brand salience, brand performance, brand imagery, consumer judgments, consumer feelings, and consumer-brand resonance.

Let’s discover Elseve, Le Petit Marseillais, and Head & Shoulders more deeply.

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