mardi 25 novembre 2014

How do consumers behave towards these different brands ? HEAD & SHOULDERS CASE

Head and Shoulders, is basically a brand of anti-dandruff shampoo, owned by Procter and Gamble. The innovation here is the fact that the brand introduced Pyrithione Zinc in the different shampoos. The brand offers also a large variety of shampoos with different smells but its specificity remains being the #1 Anti-Dandruff Shampoo.

  •    Emotions: There is no real emotion behind this brand as it more scientific based. Consumers do not buy Head & Shoulders Shampoo because they feel a certain emotion about it. They just need a shampoo that is efficient for their scalp. Nothing more.

  •       Motivations: The main reason why men and women are buying Head & Shoulders ? They just need a shampoo that is efficient for their scalp. Nothing more.

  •       Values: The brand considered itself as giving 7 scalp and hair benefits, scientifically proven. Head & Shoulders truly believes that it is the only solution for treating dandruffs.

  •      Decision-making: The only reason to purchase Head & Shoulders is to protect the scalp from dandruff. Nothing more.

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